
The Secret Micro-Practice of High-Performers

Are you missing opportunities to generate energy during your day?

High performers know how to keep generating energy throughout their day. They don’t have to wait until the post-work gym session to energise. They don’t have to depend on that lunch-break walk in the local park to create energy. So, what’s their secret?

Inside our bodies are chemicals that are trying to get us to do things that are in the best interest of us. These chemicals are Endorphin, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin. They each have different roles. Use these deliberately and they energise us in micro-bursts throughout the day.

For example, Dopamine loves us to get things done. Each time we tick off a task, Dopamine gives us a micro-dose to reinforce that habit we want to build.

✔ You complete that report in the allocated timeframe and hit send.
✔ You stop resisting that difficult conversation and pick up the phone.
✔ You finally fence off two hours for uninterrupted planning with your team.

Try Micro-Celebrating. 

But wait. There’s more. High Performers have an even more powerful secret to generate energy throughout their day. After each of the completed tasks, they add a Micro-Celebration. This tiny action takes less than a minute yet has proven track record as an energiser and giver of joy.

Here’s some tiny, too-small-to-fail ways to Micro-Celebrate completed tasks and harness your body chemistry to give you another surge of energy.

Say, “Yes!” while you do a fist pump.
Big smile. And feel it.
Do a double thumbs-up. 👍🏽 👍🏾
Think of your best friend being happy for you.
Say, “Way to go!”

So, find a Micro-Celebration that works for you and start adding this into your day. Treat it as an experiment to observe. I would love to hear about your experience of deliberately building this into your day. You are welcome to share your comments by clicking on the button.



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